Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Consequences of Internet Communcation

In the past decade nothing has grown faster than internet communication. Myspace, Facebook, instant messaging have all become the new source of human interaction. It is unarguable that the internet and cyber technology are great mediums to communicate with one another, to express ones self, and to update your status, but all this comes with a cost. Often we do not remember that the information we put into the cyber world stays there forever and has the potential to be viewed by anyone. This being said, too many of us frivolously tell all of our private life’s online, not realizing the internet is a public forum—and sometimes some of the information we give comes along with some major unwanted consequences. I have always tried to pay close attention to the things that I post online, but sometimes things do slip through the cracks. One time I posted a picture of my best friend and me in a provocative pose with a provocative caption. The picture was flirty to say the least, but I never though of it as more than a joke—but that all changed. Even though the picture I posted was private and only viewable by certain people, I did not realize that people could take it for more than it really was. My teammates all saw the picture, which I was ok with, but I did not realize that my coaches would also see the picture. I have always wanted my coaches and my elders to have respect for me, but this picture had reeked everything but respectful! Needless to say this was a big deal to me and I immediately removed the picture, but it was too late. I am not the only one who has had this experience. I have even had friends who were passed over for job opportunities because their would-be employers did not approve of the content on their Myspace of Facebook pages. Technology has made it very simple for anyone to do a Google search and find everything from your twitter account to a blog and even personal photos on Facebook. We have to realize that everything on the internet can be seen by someone, somewhere. Since my mishap with the internet, I have always paid special attention to what I put online. You never know who will see it and the effects this could eventually have on you.


  1. I agree with you, internet communication has its flaws. People can see anything you put on the web. Internet communication is great to keep in touch with friends and share pictures and comments and what not, but like you said, it all has a price. During sister’s freshman year of college, she played soccer for a Division 2 school. She told me that the coaches were strict on partying. They had players do unexpected drug tests and checked their MySpace pages for pictures. The coaches looked at the girls MySpace pages to see if there were pictures of the partying or with drinks in their hands. Some girls got caught and got consequences for it. You really do have to watch what you put out there on the internet because people can find out stuff about you too easily. Dating websites especially can leave you vulnerable to someone just looking at your information. It is scary to think about all that can be happening with you info out for everyone.

  2. You’re statement that whatever we put on the internet stays there “forever and for anyone to view” is scary but true. It’s easy to forget that it’s not just your friends or people who know you that will see what you put out there on the internet. I also agree that people share too much on the internet; no one wants to know if a girl is getting a bikini wax or if a guy had a one-night stand the night before! The term TMI seems to be gaining popularity as more people and more people share every detail of their day on the internet through facebook and twitter. Also, your personal story was a good lesson for everyone, a lot of times I will catch myself writing comments on my friends networking pages that would be a funny joke to my friend and I, but to people who do not know me as well or my sense of humor could find distasteful and inappropriate. The internet is a way for people to try and find out who we are, that means it’s our job to make sure we represent ourselves how we want to be seen. Great post 

  3. You’re completely right people do tend to forget that the internet is around the world and can be viewed by anyone who wants to look. There are too many of us that forget that and yes, put many of our personal information. I enjoyed reading your because no one really tells anyone how powerful the internet is. Like you, I try to always be carful with the things I post online because I never know who could get ahold of the.
    I think your completely correct when you say that yes even though you can pay so much attention to what you post, although you don’t know who can post something about you, or take picture you’ve posted.
    I know exactly how you feel. I have posted pictures that were not the greatest pictures to be posting but as you thought, I also thought, it was fun and flirty, but at the same time it was only a picture, but yes not respectful at all.
    I think to say that in your last paragraph, “Technology has made it very simple for anyone to do a Google search and find everything from your twitter account to a blog and even personal photos on Facebook. We have to realize that everything on the internet can be seen by someone, somewhere. Since my mishap with the internet, I have always paid special attention to what I put online. You never know who will see it and the effects this could eventually have on you,” was very wise to point out to people because they need to realize the importance of using something so powerful as the internet.
