Friday, September 4, 2009

Power of Language

Language plays a very important role in our lives. It empowers us to inform, to express, and to influence those around us. Most of us have experienced a defining moment in which the power of language has had a great effect in our lives. I also have had many experiences where I also have felt the power of language. I first realized the importance of language while traveling to Mexico. I speak very little Spanish and I learned that what they teach you in high school is completely different from what you actually need to understand and comprehend. Through a lack of being able to communicate verbally, I learned that non-verbal communication is very important in the presence of a language barrier. By using certain facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, posture, and even changing the tone of my voice, I was able to more effectively communicate. I found that non-verbal communication is also important in even when no language barrier exists.
By far, I would have to say that the use of language in developing relationships has greatly proven to me how important language is in communicating and expressing myself. The way I communicate to another person greatly effects the way the relationship will function. It is important to use language so each person in the relationship knows exactly how the other person feels.
Language also has a powerful affect with teams. It is an integral part of our success that my volleyball team uses language to effectively communicate with each other both on and off the court. It is important to know what plays our teammates want to run, who will pass the ball, and to communicate what the opposing team is doing. The only way to do this is by using effective language. I also realized that by using language on the court helps keep up the intensity of the game. By speaking to my teammates it helps everyone get into the zone and ultimately play better.
All in all, I have experienced language as being a mirror, a tool, and a weapon. If used correctly, it is a mirror that allows others to get a peak into your soul, a tool to help you inform people of what is going on, or a weapon to defend or even to offend.


  1. Language definitely empowers us to inform, express, and definitely influence people around us. Language is truly important because it does happen to come in many different forms. I agree, Spanish in high school is nothing like the real deal. Also, non-verbal communication is significant when there is a language barrier. I would have to say non-verbal communication is one of the most powerful forms of communication because it requires no translation from one language to another. I believe it is the universal language. I also agree with you on relationships being built through language. Being able to effectively communicate your feelings is what make makes or break a relationship. I can also relate to effective communication when it comes to sports. I play on the soccer team and it is crucial to have good communication with your teammates on and off the field. Building relationships with your players off the field to establish good camaraderie, which ultimately transfers onto the field, is important to team success. Being able to communicate on the field, and off the field, allows the team to work together in unison. I also like the analogy you used that described language as either being a mirror, tool, or a weapon. Language can really help us inform, express, and influence.

  2. I too, agree that Spanish that was taught in high school or college does not help you what so ever. I took a semester of Spanish recently to try to communicate with my in-laws better, I got a B in the class and it still didn't help! I married a Mexican and his parents speak nothing but Spanish. We commute to each other by pointing and smiling. I love them to death but it gets very awkward. I tried my Spanish that I've learned in the past and I feel stupid. Therefore, I do agree also that non-verbal is very universal, simply the easiest language ever! Sign language might be a little tougher! I agree with it all, language with relationships and with teammates. It is very important to understand each other In order to achieve the same goals. All relationship requires being at an understanding level between both parties. Body and facial languages goes hand in hand with verbal languages. Wouldn’t it be funny yet confusing to have someone say “I love you” to you with a face saying their disgusted and their hands are pushing you away? I really never noticed the non-verbal languages until you said it, thank you for the enlightenment.
