Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Final Blog

These past fifteen weeks have truly been unforgettable. I can honestly say that this has been my most challenging class at Antelope Valley College, but I have learned the most from it. When I first began this class, I thought it would be a walk in the park because English classes have never been too much of a challenge for me. But oh boy was I wrong! This class has been everything but leisure. Believe it or not, I actually worried throughout the semester if I was going to be able to make it till the end. I really thought long and hard about withdrawing from the class, but to me that would be considered quitting, and I always try my hardest to never quit. I am so thankful that I persevered through this class because I have learned so much from it. From doing all of our reading and writing assignments, I have grown a lot as a student. And furthermore, what I have learned in this class will help me in the future, both as a student and as a person. Not only have I learned academically, but I have also learned how to mange my time with all the work we were given throughout the weeks. Between practice, away games, work, and my four other classes it was hard for me to squeeze the all the work into my schedule. I probably pulled out all my hair and have permanent bags under my eyes from all the stress of this semester. I will be the first one to say the work load in this class is out of this world, but it all pays off in the end. And I must say I am proud of myself for working through it all. Looking back, I remember freaking out after our first essays were graded. I did horrible, and it was the first time I realized how much essay grades factored into our overall grade. After that first essay, my grade had dropped so low! I freaked! But now as the end draws near, I have worked so hard and I am so close to getting that A that I have wanted so long. Wish me luck!

Even though I never got to meet my classmates face to face, I feel like I really did get to know a lot of you. From reading blogs to participating in group discussions I wish you all good luck as we are heading toward the end of the semester. Do not give in now and work hard these last two weeks. And no matter how you finish the class take pride in the fact that you made it through. Lastly, I thank all of my classmates and Professor Gross for making this course a great experience for me.


  1. I have to agree with you that this class was a definitely a class that you can call a wake up call. From the beginning I remembered being freaked out as well as I did not know what to expect from the class. But you start to learn a lot from this class; not only to be better academically but outside of the classroom you start to use this new found knowledge that you have gained from the class. You do notice that you are different because you start to look at things differently when before you didn’t. That is a testament to the class and to Professor Gross and how she has been able to teach us and how it has made a profound impact on us. Sure there were days that you feel like you don’t want to do some of the stuff that was assigned but looking back now you can see that it made a impact on how you looked at things outside of the class and for the future assignments that were assigned. I do hope that you have a merry Christmas and it has been a fun ride being in this class and I hope that I can have as much fun as I have had this semester in this English class.

  2. I couldn’t agree with you more, these past fifteen weeks have probably been the most stressful weeks of my life, but yes I agree that we have all learned so much. Of course, there was a lot of worrying going on, and I’m pretty positive that many of us felt exactly as you did. Wondering if we could make it through this class, or was it just easier to just drop. But just as you did, we all tried our hardest to not quit and to work as hard as we could to pass this class. Yes, we have all learned so much, and in someway we have all grown as a students and will be able to use of the knowledge from this class to other classes, and possibly different aspects of our life.
    I completely understand having a busy schedule, between work all morning and school all night five days a week, it was extremely hard trying to figure out how I was going to work everything out. And I’m sure we all were busy throughout the semester and tried to figure out the same thing.
    Now as you said we never got to meet our classmates in person, I felt that even though I didn’t I learned a lot from each and every person. We all learned a lot from each other and it was a pleasure having you as a classmate.
