Thursday, October 22, 2009

Free Speach V. Abusive Language

In no way do I take the privilege of having my first amendment right to free speech for granted but I do feel that we as a society are too hypersensitive and need to wake up and stop letting what others say about us have such huge effects on us. Nevertheless, I am very considerate to the needs of others around me and do feel that outward use of abusive language toward another individual is wrong and is not something that I would take part in. So when asked if I would sign an agreement to refrain from using such language to gain acceptance into my school, then I would sign, but I would do so reluctantly. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with agreeing to not using offensive language. Actually, in my opinion, an agreement should not be necessary and its existence shows the true character of people in our society. Are we that rude and inconsiderate? I cannot understand what motivates people to be so disrespectful, and it is disappointing that so many people are. The way I was raised you never use this type of language and offend people, even if you do not agree with the person, and I do not know how a person can be heartless enough to fix their lips to hurt another person.
Even still, upon signing the agreement I would be very suspicious of my right to free speech being oppressed. My right to say what I want to when and where I want to is ultimately compromised by signing this agreement, and if it were not for positive means, I under normal situations I would never sign such a thing that takes away my right to free speech, but since this promotes social ‘behavior adjustment’ I would in fact sign.


  1. I agree with you. I would sign something that promotes social behavioral adjustment. And that is a good way to look at it as well. I never really thought of it in that way. I think having freedom of speech is one of the best freedoms of all and no way would I want that taken away by signing an agreement. But like you said it promotes a positive intention to society. And hopefully people will learn one day how to respect and treat each other. It is truly sad how some people disrespect others and want to offend them as well. I can see where you are coming from when you say you don’t understand why someone would be so heartless and want to hurt another person. I grew up being taught that you should treat others the way you wish to be treated and to respect others opinions as well.

  2. Hi Khaliah! I too would be suspicious as to why the school administration would want to make me sign such type of agreement. First, I would question the safety of the school, how it treats minorities, are they one-sided when it comes to it, is this piece of paper with my signature on it going to protect me in the future against those who violate the rules? I can think of so many questions in regards to this agreement to be accepted in a school/college. Because for sure I want to be clear and know that I and my rights are protected at all times. Like you felt and thought, I would sign the agreement to be accepted into the school of my choice but not without some reluctance. However, if the school administrator explained to me well the good side about signing such agreement and the positive outweighs the negative, so long as my rights are intact, I will sign the agreement. You’re right, I don't know why and how people are possessed to be mean and say hurtful and offensive words to each other. We’ve come a long way in earth’s history; our material things have become sophisticated and advanced. It seems like the only thing that have not gone completely forward is our attitudes and perceptions with each other as human beings! Thanks for sharing your blog!

  3. I couldn’t agree with you more Kahliah, “we as a society are too hypersensitive and need to wake up and stop letting what others say about us have such huge effects on us.” The problem with saying “In my opinion there is nothing wrong with agreeing to not using offensive language” is that it is not your definition of what is “offensive”, it is not even my definition of what is “offensive”, it is what anybody or finds offensive. Unless what is “offensive” is clearly outlined, basically we would be signing a blank document. By agreeing to such restrictions we could soon find ourselves at the receiving end of an accusation that has no merit other than “something we said offended someone”. I’d be leery to give up my rights in exchange for civility, because there will always be those who will abuse the system. And these people could even use this as a weapon to harass and oppress people they don’t like. The rest of us who “don’t understand how these people can be so bad”, would still be the victims.
